When you decide to purchase weed from our on-line store, you’re presented with a lot of alternatives. When it might sound a little sketchy, it’s completely feasible to purchase weed safely and legally online you just have to understand what you’re doing. Legal potlala Weed Fly is among the national and worldwide pioneers when it has to do with providing medical cannabis patients with nothing but the very best.

  • The group had been basically originated from mola madad rice mills and lal food industries and rice mills,
  • Our president Launched as a private company in 1975, founded by Mr. leela ram k chellani with the initial idea of rice trading and wholesale shop, by getting progress in 1982 our president launched a MOLLA MADAD rice Mills in Hyderabad.
  • With the over hardworking in rice business launched a new rice mills named as HYDERABAD INDUSTRIES handed over to MR, THAKUR DAS CHELLANI.
  • After  that the  whole works  handed over to Mr. Naresh Kumar Chellani in 2003 we started A new firm in sujawal  named as Lal Rice Mills, with the grace of God day by day we got progress and  with our hard workings a new branch had  been launched in Hyderabad named as LAL FOOD INDUSTRIES AND RICE MILLS in 2009.
  •  Generation by generation it has been a established family business our group launched new rice mills in Gujjo district Thatta named as KABEER RICE MILLS in 2011 here the group starts and day by day kabeer group getting progressed a new firm launched in port qasim Karachi named as kabeer food industries in 2016 by our new director Mr kamal k chellani and on that year we strated work of import and export by launching a new firm named as kabeer commodities,

Kabeer Group has established strong strategic and commercial alliances with its strong buyers in Middle East, Africans & European Markets. Through organic growth and acquisitions in both branded and private label sectors.

May ALLAH give us more success in our works!